Friday, March 11, 2011

Sweet Home Alabama

This post is about 2 1/2 months late but it has been a crazy couple months! In the fall Gus applied and was accepted into a Leadership Program with Lockheed Martin. As part of the program Gus had to find 3 stretch assignments where he could learn new skills and hone his leadership skills and Alabama was the winner for the first assignment.  Christmas came and went and as soon as we got back we made a mad dash to get ready to move by the 4th of Feb.  It was CRAZY! Thankfully the company was packing and moving us. So here we are in Huntsville which is northern Alabama. We've been here just over a month which we spent in temporary housing until the 4th of March when we moved into a cute little rental home with a yard and a fence. We have been warmly welcomed into a great ward and look forward to the new adventures we are going to have over the next year.
There is a little bit to get used to down here such as accents, sense of humor, slightly slower pace of life, drivers, weather. So far we've experienced 2 tornado sirens and lots of wind and rain. It makes me miss Denver weather.:)  We'll be sure to keep you posted on our upcoming Alabama Adventures.


Jennifer said...

I didn't realize that this adventure was one of THREE!? Wow! We are so excited for your little guy to come!

Sarah Burgoyne said...

i was wondering where you guys went! :)