Friday, February 25, 2011

Christmas and other adventures

So many pictures as usual. Since pictures are worth a thousand words that means I can write much less. :) I'm very behind as usual but I hope to be somewhat caught up on the blog at least by the time this next little Hansen comes along in April. Wish me luck!
So Christmas was spent with Gus' family. Before heading down to Willcox to hang at his parents house we stopped in lovely Flagstaff to stay with his sister and take a ride on the Polar Express. Who knew that the Polar Express left from Arizona. Flagstaff was beautiful as always and apparently we had to go to Arizona in order to get some real snow for the holidays. It dumped on us while we were there and it was beautiful.
The Polar Express is a something that they offer at the Grand Canyon railway during Christmas and the kids were so excited. Here is our ride to the North Pole documented with pictures.

Gracie can't wait to get going.

Raysha, Scottie and Korbin also ready to go.

Daddy sat with Kassidy in front of us.

Heres the rest of the Black family. Levi, Suzi, Kaybree and Colter. And Mom and Dad Hansen behind them.

Here they are, Mom and Dad Hansen.

Yay, we are on our way and reading the story. They showed us the pictures and everything!

Grandpa and Grandma showing how excited they really were. ;)

Blurry pictures of the North Pole and Santa waving.

Here's a non-blurry picture but Santa had dissapeared already. I wonder where he went?

Wait! Gracie sees Santa at the back of the train. How'd he do that?

Kassidy sees him too!

There's the man of the hour!

And everyone gets a jingle bell.

He's getting closer!

Santa's the best! What a bunch of cute kids! They really loved ringing those special jingle bells from Santa. I think I was hearing them in my sleep.
The Polar Express was so fun for the kids. They served hot chocolate and read the book to everyone and then after the North Pole we sang Christmas songs and waited for Santa to get to our car. 
They loved it.

We only mananged to take 3 pictures of Christmas morning. We were lazy.

Santa managed to find a Dolphin Pillow Pet for Gracie. Just what she wanted!

Gus, feigning excitement for the awesome tripod flashlight that Santa brought for him.

Gracie had her first sprained anke while we were at Grandma and Grandpa's. They have a fun little jungle gym outside and Gracie loved to play on it. Syndey heard Gracie outside crying and went out to rescue her. Gracie had fallen from the jungle gym onto her little foot. She came in carrying her and her sad little twisted ankle. This was the first day and so it actually didn't look as bad as it did the next couple days after that. There's nothing sadder than a 4 year old with a limp. It was so cute though. It only took about a week or so for her to be good as new. It's amazing how fast kids heal.

She thought her ankle looked pretty funny.

It was pretty cool to have it all wrapped up. Dr. Daddy did a great job wrapping it. He's had some messed up  ankle experience in his day. :)