Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gracie's Dance Recital

I need to warn you that there are a lot of pictures and videos. We had only our camera to take the video and so they are kinda broken down into parts.
We were so very proud of our little dancer. She did fantastic. Thanks Miss Muffie for all your hard work and love for these girls.

Some of these videos are sideways and as soon as I figure out how to make them right side up then I will fix them. For now though just be careful of a kinked neck. :)

So I'm having a hard time uploading the other videos. So this is it for now.


Courtni said...

there is nothing cuter or funnier than little girls' dance recitals! i can't wait until abby has her first one! she is so cute, laurie...and i am so excited that she is getting a brother!

Megan Bruschke said...

Oh my goodness, she is SO cute! I can't believe how big she is....where is the time going?