Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Enough please....

Is anyone else completely sick of hearing about Michael Jackson??
I truly think I might barf.

Don't get me wrong...I was a true Michael Jackson fan back in the day. (you were only a true fan if you had the M.J. Doll and of course and even truer fan if you had a belt with his picture on it. ;))

I appreciate his talent. I really love a lot of his songs and I escpecially love his dancing. He was one talented dude.

But he was one messed up dude.
I understand that his life was screwed up....if I didn't before, I certainly do now.

I have Yahoo as my homepage and EVERY time I log in, without fail, there is some little blurb about something Michael Jackson on the news reel. NO JOKE, every day since his death there has been something.
How long has it been now? One month, two months? It seems like years. Here's some news: It's no longer news! As Glenn Beck likes to say, "He's still dead."

I don't think I can take it anymore.

The latest "news" I read is there is going to be yet ANOTHER tribute!!!!
Ok folks here's the deal, whether or not he actually molested little boys (I happen to think he did) he still had sleep overs with them (highly innappropriate) and did a number of other "not ok" things with them.

So why all the tributes?
Have we forgotten all about that stuff?
I can understand one maybe even two (if you catch me on a good day) tributes to him strictly for the talent that he shared. But really people, I think we are going a bit overboard here, especially for someone who was so severely lacking in moral judgement as he.

Really, I'm so over it.


Raysha said...

I'm right there with ya! I've been so sick of it since like the day after he died. Come on!

Kathy P said...

What???? He's dead???? When did this happen? How could I have missed it? (note appropriate sarcasm here)

Seriously, I don't know what disturbs me more... his death or the fact that you used to have an MJ doll! Really? How did I miss that one?

Amy said...

Yes, Michael Jackson is dead. No more headlines about child molestation or co-habitating in bed with boys that aren't his or dangling babies on balconies. One less freak in the world. (I say that with all due respect)

Lets let the dude rest in peace and move on.