Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why I Like Commercials...

HA HA... I don't really like fact I hate them. Who doesn't right?
But I have decided there are some benefits to them.
Here's why:
We live in such a fast paced, hurried society. I have found myself getting increasingly worse at waiting for things. I hate waiting in traffic, I don't like waiting in lines, if I order something online it's almost torture to wait 3 or 4 days until I get it. I am losing my patience and as a result I may be missing things, things that could enrich my life, things that I could learn from, people I could meet.

One of my FAVORITE inventions is DVR!! Oooo, I love it! We almost NEVER watch live TV anymore. It's great because we can get the things done that we need to do without missing our favorite shows and one of the best things is that we don't have to watch the commercials. YAY!

However, I have noticed that Gracie is also having a hard time waiting for things. It's hard for it not to happen. Everything is faster and faster and more convenient.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not complaining. But I do think there is value in knowing how to wait for things and I want Gracie to learn that.
So, when Gracie is watching one of her recorded shows I don't fast forward through the commercials anymore. She has to wait for her show to come back on.
Silly, you say? Maybe so, but one step at a time and every step counts, right?


Levi and Suzi said...

I LOVE DVR too, but it's bad because I find myself wanting to rewind or fast-forward everything in life...the radio, the crazy lady that just walked by, and the commercials on live TV. I also with I could fast-forward to the day when Laurie will post her favorite fall recipes on her blog. :)

Laurie said...

Yeah I"m the same way with DVR. And um.....yeah I guess I need to post my recipes. Ha Ha. Sorry!

Kathy P said...

So is it bad to think of DVR as a need. Really, how did I ever live without it. And -- I can really get into comercials too... I have to comment on every one. It gets annoying, even to me!

Amy said...

I love tivo because I hate commercials! I just love watching a show in 40 minutes. :-)

Oh yeah, and Jon and I saved all our Heroes episodes so we could marathon it over Thanksgiving---thats right, we watched 10 episodes in one day. Super Awesome!