Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Top Ten (or Top Five) Tuesdays

Wow I've already missed a week and almost missed this one. I stink at this so far! :)

Ten Random Things I've Learned as a Mother:

1- Band aids are often used more for comfort than an actual need.
2-There is no such thing as "finished" laundry.
3-It's amazing how long you can make a couple drops of dish soap last just to save a trip to the store.
4-The sooner you get used to having your child as an extra appendage the better.
5-A properly functioning brain is a distant memory.
6-EVERYTHING needs a clapper on it.
7- A favorite stuffed animal is somehow much more valuable than your most expensive electronic.
8-Mothers have selective hearing. I can sleep through Dora and Phineas and Ferb and not remember a thing and I can somehow hear the whimperings of a sad child through my ear plugs in the middle of the night.
9-Mama is my favorite thing to be called.
10- Nothing brings as much joy and satisfaction to my life as being a wife and mother!