Our good friends the Mack's invited us to go the the Fall Festival at the Littleton Historical Museum with them. We were happy to oblige. The kids really enjoyed the very friendly cow. I'm not sure what this funny face was about though.

Left to right: some kid we don't know, Brynley,Sadie,Gracie and Diesel.

What a fat pig! So CUTE!

One of the old farm houses on the farm. I'm so grateful for running water.

This is such a cool place. It is a actual working farm and everyone that works there is dressed in period time. They don't use any modern conviences (as far as I know) to do anything there. Pretty awesome. The best part is that it's FREE to go!

Just waiting for the wagon ride. Don't know why wagon rides are so exciting but they always draw a crowd, me included.

This was in the schoolhouse. Guess Gracie got in trouble or something cause she was doing clean up duty. ;) So funny that she thinks sweeping is fun now. Just wait a few years, little lovie, when mommy is begging you to sweep.

In the big field they had all kinds of old fashioned games that we thought were pretty fun. We decided no more modern toys for us! HA Ha!
Gus made the stilts look easy.

They weren't. Notice Adam helping me balance.

No luck for me. Probably not the safest thing for little miss prego to be doing anyway. Tsk, tsk.

Adam also made it look easy.

Look who we ran into: Uncle Malcolm! We also met up with our other good friends, the Reynolds! Left to right: Uncle Malcolm, Katelee Reynolds, Gracie and Gerald Reynolds! Some of Uncle Malcolm's other family members were there we just didn't manange to get pictures of them.

We had such a fun festive time. And the weather turned out to be really nice. Thanks, Mack's, for thinking of us.
Gracie is looking so tall and grown up!!
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