Friday, October 1, 2010

4th of July

So what is it now...October!?!? And I am just getting around to posting our Fourth of July pics. Pathetic.
We had our own little firework display on Saturday the 3rd . It was our first time lighting our own fireworks. Gracie loved the sparklers! These, sadly, are the only 4th pictures we have, but other festivities included our annual 4th of July breakfast at our house. I love, love, love breakfast food! A sad, wet rainedout Fourth of July fireworks show on Sunday, not to mention cold. And a wonderful sunny warm perfect "let's try again" Monday night firework show. This time complete with our tradition of KFC and juicy watermelon. It was a lovely Indepence day weekend!


Raysha said...

Looks like fun! I can't believe how long Gracie's hair is. It looks so cute.