Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Top Ten (or Top Five) Tuesdays

Some of you may have noticed that I have a little sidebar thingy (that is the actual technical term) that is entitled "Laurie's Latest List" and you may have also noticed that I haven't updated it since Thanksgiving, (though it is still applicable everyday).
I decided rather than put my latest list on my sidebar I would do it as a regular blog entry so as not to lose it every time I update it. So that bring us to "Top Ten (or Top Five) Tuesdays". I also hope it will help motivate me to blog regularly.So here's hopin'.

Today is a Top Five.

Laurie's Top Five Favorite Things About Newborns
(aside from the obvious things like hands, feet, tonails, noses,etc. These are in no particular order.)

1.Their hair.
It is the softest, silkiest thing I've ever felt and for about the first month I rub my face all over their head every chance I get. That sounds a bit weird I know.

2.The funny little faces they make when they are asleep.
This actually goes for kids in general, cause while I was checking on Gracie the other night she made the exact same face that Ezra had the minute before. So cute!

3. The fact that they can sleep with their arms straight up in the air. It's so funny.

4. That they will try to suck on anything that even brushes by their little mouths. And along those lines when they suck on nothing, their mouths just go through the motions.

5. The little creases they have under their eyes because of their deliciously chubby cheeks.

Ahh...I think I could go on for days but I will spare you and stop it the list there.